CUBE 6 Prototype 4x4 game

Hours: 0 -- Minutes: 0 -- Seconds: 0

Number Of Clicks 0

X1Y1 X1Y2 X1Y3 X1Y4
X2Y1 X2Y2 X2Y3 X2Y4
X3Y1 X3Y2 X3Y3 X3Y4
X4Y1 X4Y2 X4Y3 X4Y4


game highscores

Based on an old K&P game I made in 1998. Yeah, Yeah, I honestly did not know about "Lights Out" back then, it's a simple grid puzzle.
Yes I know this only has a 4x4 grid. That's why it is called a prototype. And why the .js is full of IF and no use of an array.